
A.S.G. Interconsulting-Lawyers in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura is an internationally recognized Lawyers office as well as legal and tax advisory firm made up of bilingual professionals and a multilingual support team with collaborating offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Malaga, Cadiz, Dublin and London, allowing us to satisfy the needs of all our clients wherever our assistance may be needed.
The members of the law office are specialists in their respective subject matters with a solid professional track record which allows them to offer high quality service to our clients.
On the island of Lanzarote, ASG Interconsulting has offices in the tourism centres of Puerto del Carmen (since 1990), Playa Blanca (since 2000) and Arrecife (since 1990), as well as on Fuerteventura in Corralejo (since 2005).
Areas of Practice
Lastest News
Cómo demostrar a Hacienda que nuestra vivienda es la habitual
Desde hace algunos años, las compañías eléctricas tienen la obligación de presentar una declaración anual de los contratos de suministro eléctrico de sus cliente
El Tribunal Constitucional anula el párrafo quinto del art. 174.3 LGSS
TC, Sala Pleno, 11-3-2014 El Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional ha anulado el art. 174.3, párrafo quinto, de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social (LGSS) por entender q
Ley 1-2013, de 14 de mayo, de medidas para reforzar la protección a los deudores hipotecarios
Ver / Descargar Ley en PDF
Of interest
Mrs Angeles San Gregorio Franco directs the Legal Firm , a specialist in the British and Irish international market, and who is in the process of becoming a member of both the LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND as well as the LAW SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.
In Lanzarote, A.S.G. Interconsulting has branches in the towns of Puerto del Carmen, (since 1990), Playa Blanca, (since 2000) and Arrecife (since 1990) and on the island of Fuerteventura in Corralejo (since 2005).